Saturday 25 August 2007

Memebreaker 2

Memebreaker 1

Memebreaker: The beginning

Here I am. If some years ago anybody were told me that the first site I would open in the web would be this one, I would not trust him/her. I have many interest and topics that I like and know about, much better that the one mainly treated in this blog. But the things went in this way, and it could be a good beginning (or a good end) for my experience in internet. The main reason to begin this is because I found it necessary. Only the time and the results will probe it, but it does not depend entirely on me. It depends also on all of you, despite the main responsability is on my back.

OK, too much words, so let's go in. The main objective of this blog will be the publication of series of comic strips which I will develop periodically. I have no great expectations about them, and I do not think that you will laugh your head off. Even more, it is possible that sometimes I hardly will get a smile from you (remember: that is not my speciality). But I will try that such comic strips being didactic. At least as much didactic as possible for the complicate topics I will deal with. The comic strips will be dedicated to political sciences, mainly to explain the people from Spain why our political system is not a democracy, and why we need a change.

Respect the name of the blog, you only need to check the Wikipedia and search what a meme is, considering you still do not know. With it I want to point out that I will try to break some false memes, which usually is a hard work.

And without further ado, here is the first strip.